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Mentory Professional Mentoring at your Fingertips


Mentory needed a tech team to implement their mentoring platform, connecting mentors and mentees across various fields such as entrepreneurship, career guidance, academia, and university studies. They lacked the necessary technical expertise to build the software and required an MVP to kickstart their platform.


FounderBlocks collaborated with Mentory to develop a comprehensive MVP. The solution involved using modern technologies like React with Capacitors and Remix for the front-end, and Laravel and PHP for the back-end. The focus was on implementing the necessary functionalities tailored to Mentory’s requirements.


Within a short period after its launch, the MVP received positive initial feedback from early users. Mentory is now live and operational, actively marketing to attract more users. The successful launch and robust technical foundation have positioned Mentory for continued growth and user base expansion.


  • HR


  • React
  • Remix
  • PHP
  • Laravel


  • MVP Development
  • Design
  • Business Consulting

Business Model

  • B2B Saas
  • B2C SaaS
  • Marketplace